4 Reasons Nobody Else's Opinions Matter
Have you ever started to do something, but stopped because you had the sudden, jarring question: “What will ______ think of this?”
Yeah, me too.
But what they think doesn’t matter.
Nobody else is responsible for believing in your dreams!
That’s all you, beautiful.
Today on the blog, I wanted to share with you WHY it doesn’t matter and how to DITCH the anxiety you have around how others might view your decisions.
Why What They Think Doesn’t Matter
Reason #1
Your dreams aren’t their dreams.
They don’t come with the same experiences, the same tastes and desires, the same mindset that you do. They aren’t looking at life the same exact way that you are, so why should you care what they think about your dreams?
Anxiety Tip: Remind yourself of your why. Why are you chasing this dream? Why does it matter so much to YOU? What kinds of lenses might they be looking through and why might they have the opinion they have? Remind yourself that they are welcome to have their opinion - and it’s none of your business. ;)
Reason #2
Because you don’t want to live with guilt.
Imagine this scenario: It’s 2089. You’re looking back on your life and you’re sitting in a rocking chair on your front porch. What are you seeing? Are you filled with memories of a woman who slayed her fears and chased her dragons, or are you looking at memories of a woman who trembled at the thought of what others might think of her?
Remind yourself: this is your life. You only get one shot at it (depending on your beliefs) so make it a good one. Chase your dreams. Get excited by the little things. Pursue your passions. And forget what they might think about it all.
Reason #3
What they think is none of your business.
You aren’t a mind controller, and you probably don’t want to be. You can’t truly know what they *really* think anyway. It’s damn impossible because you are not in their brain.
Reason #4
You are your own person.
This is kind of in line with reason #1, but YOU have lived YOUR life. Nobody else is in your shoes. Nobody else is in your mind. Nobody else can chase those dreams for you. It’s time to put the excuse of “what will ______ think if I do this?!” and just go out and do it.
Ultimately, it all comes down to:
How do you want to feel when you look back over your life? How do you want to feel TOMORROW? A year from now?
What if you DON’T start today?
What if you don’t quit the job, or sail the world, or visit Bali, or take the art class?
What if you don’t pursue the guy, send the email, or wink and do it anyway?
What if you don’t? What opportunities are you throwing away?
You’re you. Nobody else is you. That’s why what they think doesn’t matter.
Xx, Lauren